Meaningful YouTube Channels & Feeds

Published: March 2, 2022
Edited: March 7, 2022

A list of interesting content regarding intimacy, spirituality, meaning, and religion.

1 Paul VanderKlay

The venerable third-generation Calvinist pastor, whom the Bridges of Meaning community has gathered ‘round. Whose example has served as inspiration for many on this list that they too join in the mission and begin ministry in their personal way.

If there is any question of where to start, it is here. This estuary is a nexus and in many ways defines this corner of the internet. Be not shocked by the volume of content, Pastor Paul invites us into his conversations and thoughts and he is truly a man of The Word.

The following sublist merely indicates members of the same internet subculture Pastor Paul has enabled, and does not necessarily imply a hierarchical relationship of quality or importance.

1.1 A Quality Existence

with Sevilla King the silver sylph, whose mission is to entreat the works of Robert Maynard Pirsig and his ontology of quality as told in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintainence and Lila.

1.2 She Wonders Why

with Andrea (with the Bangs) Lynn Lewis the earnest inquirer, mother, and Christian everywoman.

1.3 Transfigured

with Sam the biblical Unitarian, whose treatment of Origen of Alexandria has been most edifying. I am positive towards all listed here, but I am very excited for the future of Transfigured.

1.4 Further Reading

I have not delved as deeply into the following, but each are worth mentioning and bring forth their own character and perspective.

1.4.2 Grizwald Grim

1.4.3 Philosophical Gospel

1.4.4 J. P. Marceau

2 Phil Langdon

the Hermit Who Knew at Angkor Wat, whose mission analyzes the Gnostic Gospels and who is no stranger to the East, skillfully explaining the mystical systems of hither and thither and how they fold together. Also has a(n evil?) twin.

3 Theories of Everything

with Curt Jaimungal, a most humble lover of wisdom. Gives a wide treatment of different ideas and theories. His interviews are far and away the most studied and focused I’ve known.

4 Uberboyo

with Stef the Irish storyteller, and neo-Jungian. Very juicy.

5 Benjamin Boyce

the poet of the Evergreen State College, and bard of those chewed up by nihilism and tyrannized by uncertain identity.

6 Rafe Kelley

a parkour practitioner, pursuer of embodied wisdom, and the spitting image of Marcus Aurelius.

7 John Vervaeke

a fellow from Toronto who professes Meaning. This is advanced reading, Vervaeke’s treatment of the Meaning Crisis is the most articulated and academic and systematic of all the contemporaries I have known. He gifts us with exceedingly clear language unburdened with (obvious) historical biases that can assuage even the most suspicious Modernist mind.