Identity and יהוה

Published: January 4, 2024

There’s something that I don’t see much contemplation on when it comes to the Hebrew name of God. In Exodus 3:14

… God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM …

which strikes me as rather intriguing, the name is the precise form of the Law of Identity

A = A

What to conclude from this connection? To be honest I haven’t the foggiest. Perhaps it’s nothing more than something fundamental in our thought that we can’t escape as it forms the foundation of how we think. Can you imagine a world where a thing is not itself? What would be the consequence that you could not trust that a thing is itself?

If you have ever trusted a liar, you’ll have a sliver of insight of what this would mean for the identity of that relationship, or maybe even your own.

I wonder if the other two laws of thought are represented in the book? Or what it would mean if they are not?

Non-contradiction has seemed to me a local phenomena, and our friend LEM only pertinent in the propositional. Identity, however, appears indispensable.